This is the battery capacity of the Tesla Cybertruck.

Update 12/6/2023: According to documents that Tesla provided to the EPA, the Cybertruck all-wheel drive and Cyberbeast trims of the 2024 model year make use of a battery that has a capacity of approximately 122.4 kWh. That is less than our most conservative estimate by 2.6 kWh.

Concurring with the conveyance of its most memorable bunch of 2024 Cybertrucks, Tesla uncovered more insights regarding its battery-electric pickup truck that proposals up to 845 drive and can tow as much as 11,000 pounds.

However, one thing was left off the truck’s specification sheet by the company: its capacity as a battery. Fortunately, our tech team is skilled at analyzing data and resolving difficult math problems. Our team of number crunchers was able to deduce the—estimated—capacity of the multi-motor model’s battery pack after Tesla shared that the mid-level 600-horsepower Cybertruck all-wheel drive can travel an estimated 340 miles on a full charge while burning 42.9 kWh of electricity every 100 miles.

However, working out this number required a couple of suspicions. Especially, we had to assume that Tesla had used the EPA’s methods to get these numbers. With that suspicion made, we utilized information from our trial of a 2020 Tesla Model Y Execution as a kind of perspective for guaranteeing the precision of our gauge.

As our editors scribbled digits and formulas on the office white board, erased those digits and formulas, and then scribbled even more, a montage of numerals, notations, and equations was projected over their exhausted but determined mugs. Our editors finally reached a consensus after drinking cigarettes and brewing multiple cups of coffee: the net battery limit of the Cybertruck all-wheel drive is somewhere close to 125.0 and 130.0 kWh.

But a specific number is what you want, right? In this way, for the wellbeing of contention, we should compromise and call it 127.5 kWh — or 128.0 kWh in the event that you lean toward an entire number.

Even though Tesla provided efficiency figures for the Cybertruck all-wheel drive, we are almost certain that the top-of-the-line Cybertruck Cyberbeast, which has 845 horsepower and has a range of 320 miles, uses the same battery pack.

On the off chance that those reach gauges are all in all too low for your loving, just relax. An additional battery pack installed in the Cybertruck’s bed is Tesla’s available range extender. According to Tesla, selecting this option increases the Cybertruck all-wheel drive’s and Cyberbeast’s ranges to more than 470 and 440 miles, respectively. We have not done the math to determine the range extender’s capacity, and neither does the company. .yet.

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